Make a Payment

Exciting new ways to make school payments
We have introduced additional methods of payment within schools to make life easier for parents/carers, reduce the need for pupils to carry cash and reduce the volumes of cash being handled in the school.
You are able to pay securely online 24/7 using debit/credit card for all school meals and all other school expenses such as trip and uniform items. As part of this initiative, we have expanded the use of cashless catering systems to all schools.
Online school payments
Once you have this reference number, you can make a payment. As soon as you receive the reference number you will be able to pay for school meals, check the balance on your child’s account and see what they purchased (these facilities are available online even if the child pays for their meals via the revaluation machine in the school).
As the school require you to pay for trips and other school expenses they will make them available online.
Cashless catering
We currently operate a cashless system in all schools. The system allows pupils and staff to pay for meals without handling cash at the Point-of-Sale (POS).
Please use the 'contact us’ box if you have any questions. For more information, see 'related pages’, 'other useful websites’ and 'downloads’